Net Carbon Zero by Nature*
'Net Carbon Zero by Nature'* is New Zealand's first certified grass-fed, end-to-end Net Carbon Zero range, where the equivalent of 100% of end-to-end emissions have been absorbed by trees growing within the farms where the animals we're raised. We are using whole-of farm thinking to utilize all woody vegetation on farms to provide positive benefit.
Silver Fern Farms are supporting and incentivizing our farmers to protect, restore and add to the amount of native bush and tree plantings – gullies, riparian areas, fence lines, summer shade and shelter belts, so that our farm environments are better able to capture carbon, and become more biodiverse.
What is ‘Net Carbon Zero by Nature’*?
'Net Carbon Zero by Nature' means that the total emissions generated by each pound of this range sold, need to be balanced to net zero, by actively growing permanent vegetation (removals) occurring on the group of farms that supply the product.
To achieve and maintain our Net Carbon Zero by Nature certification, these emissions and removals need to be independently measured and verified, from plate to pasture and we need to commit to reducing these emissions over time.